Communication is Power

We live in a day in age where our communication is done electronically. It is the society we live in now where it is more common to get to know someone through a text message not by a face-to-face conversation. Therefore, the physical interaction of conversations is a “lost art” almost. Rarely do we have a face-to-face conversation with anyone anymore.  That physical interaction, the face-to-face communication is the most powerful of all. Both parties can hear the tone and inflection in your voice. They are also aware of the body language being communicated as well. There is more communication going on if it is face-to-face.  In a way, it is also a sign of respect to meet someone face-to-face and talk with them. It means they have time for you to sit down and have a conversation.  They can get their message across in the most effective way.  A lot of times, communication gets lost in the medium. A text message gets read the wrong way than intended, for example.  What we say has meaning and the way that we say our words is powerful even in the most simple sense.

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