Tag Archives: Washington

Obamacare, Wanted: Dead or Alive

Republicans want it dead, while Obama will fight to keep it alive. Obamacare has been the highlight of the news stream this week as the Republicans stead closer to the October 1 deadline, and near the government shutdown possibility. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/special/politics/politics-government-shutdown/ Republicans in the House and Senate have tried to derail the law from going into effect, but simply lack the votes to do so.  This lack of cooperation between the Democrats and Republicans has created a hostility environment that has spilled over to the relationship with the President.  President Obama will not negotiate the law whatsoever.  According to an article in the Washington Post, Obama said, “ ‘The Affordable Care Act is here to stay,’ Obama said, stressing that he would not negotiate delays or other changes to the law as part of budget talks or the debt-ceiling process.”  http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/house-republicans-explore-strategy-to-avoid-federal-government-shutdown/2013/09/25/80c9d576-2618-11e3-b75d-5b7f66349852_story.html 

The argument between the Republicans and Democrats has gone back and forth like a ping pong ball. Since signing the law in 2010, Obamacare has been subjected to scrutiny and downright confusion.  Back in 2012, the Supreme Court ruled that the reform was in fact constitutional and the law proceeded forward. On Wednesday, Senator Ted Cruz did a 21-hour talk on the Senate floor to yield the vote on debating the law.  Even though it didn’t work, he did have a nice speech on Duck Dynasty, read his children a Dr. Seuss book for bed time (since he couldn’t make it home), then went onto topics like Aston Kutcher and White Castle!  Even though the “fauxibuster” didn’t work, it did cause quite the news sensation and create publicity for the Texan senator.  Will we be seeing him in 2012? Hmmm….

Taking it back to Obamacare, the real critics of the law will be the American people.  Polls have indicated that Americans are still very confused about the law and remain skeptical.  Take a look at how Obamacare will affect these eight people, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/special/national/health-care-profiles/

Beginning October 1, 40 million Americans will now have access to a new system of health care that has been known as Obamacare.  This was the President’s major running point in this 2008 campaign.  He signed the bill into law in 2010.  After three years, countless protests, and tensions running as high as ever, the law will go into effect.  So what exactly does this mean?  Well, for starters it is not an insurance policy; it is a reform on the insurance industry and the American health care system as a whole.  The law does require all Americans to have health insurance by 2014, though. To get the facts on Obamacare, go to http://obamacarefacts.com/obamacare-facts.php